Our Mission
To Know Christ and Make Him Known
Broadway Baptist Church exists, as a body of professing Christ-followers, to live for the glory and honor of God. As a church family we are committed to exhorting, encouraging, and equipping the saints to not only serve Jesus, but to imitate Him as faithful disciples. While our purpose for living is the glory and honor of God and His Son, we strive to accomplish this through the primary goal and mission of the Church...sharing the blessed hope of salvation through faith in Christ alone with a lost and dying world (Matt. 28:19-20).
Our Model
Follow, Grow, Go
We believe that salvation is not the end, but merely the beginning of the Christian life. Therefore, we strive to see new believers move forward in continual growth in their walk with Christ. At Broadway, members and church attendees will be encouraged and equipped with the necessary tools to serve in the areas of ministry to which God desires to use them. The church family studies the Word under our primary educator, Daniel Stovall, in the weekly worship services, while also receiving more intimate instruction and biblical exposition during the Sunday School hour at 10 AM on Sunday mornings. We believe that by intentionally discipling and educating the members, the natural result will be maturing, biblically-sound Christians ready to stand as the Salt and Light in a dark and dying world.
Our Heart
Loving God and Loving People
As a church family, we are committed to following the Two Great Commandments...loving God with all of our hearts and loving others. We believe that the Gospel centers on love. Love does not mean that a partial gospel is preached in order to make everyone comfortable, but rather to love as Christ loved. We are committed to both standing on the truth of the Gospel while also living out our faith by serving God and putting others ahead of ourselves.
Our Roots
Broadway Baptist Church's Unique History
Broadway Baptist Church was originally founded as the Tabernacle Baptist Church with 11 charter members on December 10, 1931. God richly blessed those eleven members, honored their vision and faithfulness, and took them from the "Old Mule Barn" to the wonderful facilities we enjoy today. In 1934, the name was changed to East Side Baptist Church, then to Fundamental Baptist Church in 1939, and it became Broadway Baptist Church in 1980. Although the church’s name has changed 4 times in over 84 years, her drive, purpose, and passion have not. She was founded to reach the world for Christ and continues today with that same vigor and vision. God’s hand and direction have graciously guided and provided for Broadway Baptist Church. Through her ministry, countless preachers, missionaries, Sunday School workers, and families have been sent out in obedience to God’s call to be a light to the world for Christ.
Our Facilities
A Family-Friendly Church
Here at BBC, we strive to provide God-honoring facilities that are clean, comfortable, and safe for you and your family. In addition to a main worship auditorium, we have a full children's facility, gymnasium, and childcare rooms. If you have babies or toddlers they will be in capable hands with the sweet ladies that treat your children as their own!